by Darlene Osborne
I want to point out there are many causes of depression and since I am not a medical doctor or psychologist, I can NOT tell you medically what is causing your problem. However, being a Christian for over twenty years, I do feel, up to a certain point, moderately qualified to pass on some knowledge I have learned about this growing concern among our Christian society.
Personally, I am convinced that satan is at the bottom of all depression. Whether it is a root that has sprung up from a past hurt or emotional let down. Whether it's a physical or mental problem, I still anticipate satan is right there behind it all. And since he is a defeated foe, you and I, my brothers and sisters, have power over him. You can right now or at anytime, rise up and command him to go in the name of Jesus.
As we examine some of the causes of depression, let us bare in mind, though the problem may appear to be medical, there is a hidden source lurking about and I am convinced it is a spirit of depression.
Physical and/or Emotional Problems
The Spiritual Side:
The devil would like to make you emotionally sick. Actually, he'd like to just destroy you all together, but if he can't do that, he would be just as happy making you physically or emotionally sick.
Remember this:
You are a weapon for God and the devil wants to disable you.
Possible Cure:
Although the devil may cause them, physical problems can easily be ruled out as the cause of your depression. All you have to do is visit your doctor's office and have a few simple blood tests done. After your doctor reviews the results, he may rule out a physical problem and suggest that you could have an emotional problem instead. Then he or she may refer you to a psychologist. I recommend that you seek the advice of a Christian Psychologist.
Becoming Bored and Lacking Fulfillment
The Spiritual Side:
If the devil can get you bored he can get you into trouble. An idle mind is the devil's workshop so don't let boredom reign in your life. Find something that fulfills you and go do it.
Remember this:
Boredom breeds depression.
Possible Cure:
Are you doing what God called you to do? Are you abiding in your calling as the Bible says? Find out what He has called you to do and do it. Delight thyself in the Lord and He will give thee the desires of thine heart. If you want to be happy put the Lord first and do what he'd have you to do. This always brings fulfillment and fulfillment always brings joy.
Feeling Helpless
The Spiritual Side:
This is something straight from the pits of hell. Satan wants you to feel HELPLESS because he feels helpless. God threw him out of Heaven so he (satan) doesn't want you to have any hope of making it to Heaven.
Remember this:
You don't have to fall prey to satan, you have power over all the power of the enemy. Depression has to bow at the name of Jesus.
Possible Cure:
Reach out to someone you can trust and ask for help. Or better yet, reach out to God, read His Word. Read Romans 8:37, Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us. Read Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Feeling Trapped and Hopeless
The Spiritual Side:
Other than feeling helpless, as we have just discussed, the enemy wants you to feel HOPELESS. These feelings cause depression and since they are NOT from our loving Father they should NEVER be entertained. The devil knows that if he can get you feeling hopeless, you will then get depressed, and he'll have you trapped. DON'T LET HIM TRAP YOU!
Remember this:
Faith is the substance of things HOPED for the evidence of things not seen. The devil is after your faith, if he can steal your hope, he has your faith in hand. ARISE and tell the enemy, YOU CAN'T HAVE MY HOPE OR MY FAITH.
Possible Cure:
If you are feeling trapped by circumstances beyond your control, don't allow yourself to be lock into satan's emotional prison. Look for ways out. God said in His Word, He would make a way where there seems to be no way. Let God lead you out of your wilderness situation.
Dwelling and Thinking on the Negative
The Spiritual Side:
When we start dwelling on the negative, we are stepping over into enemy territory. No Child of God should be near the enemy line, much less crossing it. Anytime we are talking negative; we are that close to going over to the other side. We must watch our mouth and it keep filled with FAITH-FILLED WORDS.
Remember This:
Whatsoever things are honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8.
Possible Cure:
We are the children of the Most High and we need to think, talk and act like it. We should never allow our minds to wonder off where it has no business and brothers and sisters, we've no business dreading upon enemy soil. God's Word says clearly, we are to think on good things. If we crowd our minds with positive thoughts, the negative thoughts won't have room to get in.
Don't give up on yourself or God. Keep fighting back. Satan may be out to get you and me, but we can RISE UP IN THE NAME OF JESUS, PUT ON OUR ARMOR, AND TELL THE DEVIL TO LEAVE US ALONE.
Final thought:
For the spirit of heaviness, put on the garment of Praise.
Read Isaiah 61:1-3
Copyright 2000 Darlene Osborne
Copyright 1999-2018 Articles by Darlene Osborne.
(ALL Rights Reserved)